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Masjid At-Taqwa- Morning lectures part 2- Lesson 03: The Wise one is he who prepares for death
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  
peace be upon our Master Muhammad and upon his noble Folks, Companions, the trustees of his mission and the leaders of his banner, and be pleased with us and them, O Lord of the Worlds.  O Allah, lead us out from the depths of darkness and illusion unto the lights of erudition and knowledge, and from the muddy shallows of lusts unto the heavens of Your Vicinity.

A bitter truth:

Dear noble brothers, as I always say, the bitter truth is a thousand times better than the comfortable delusion, and one of the bitter truths about life is that every living creature is going to die eventually, and none will remain except Allah, the Owner of Glory and Majesty. Regarding this truth, the poet said:

No matter how long the night is, 
the dawn shall certainly come.
No matter how long man lives, 
he must die and be buried.
Every man, no matter how long he has been safe,  
shall be carried to his grave.
If you carry a deceased man to his tomb  
know that one day you will be  carried.
When I was in Morocco, I found a wall plaque in one of the shops in which the following heart-touching words of wisdom was written, "Pray before people offer the funeral prayer for you." A scholar said, "This short life only lasts for an hour,  so fill it with acts of obedience to Allah, and your own soul is greedy so learn to be content and accustom yourself to that." Actually, there is no more comprehensive, all-encompassing, conclusive, and impressive definition of a human being than that of the great Islamic scholar Imam Al-Hassan al-Basri, may Allah have mercy upon him; he said, "You are nothing but a number of days; whenever a day passes away, a part of you passes away."

The Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, said:

(( "A wise man  is the one who calls himself to account and refrains from doing evil deeds  and does noble deeds to benefit him after death; and the foolish person is the one who subdues himself to his temptations and desires and seeks from Allah the fulfillment of his vain desires". ))

So, the prudent is the one who acts upon and applies the teachings of Islam in his everyday life; in earning and spending his money, in his night meetings, his journeys, his social relationships, etc.

Consider the following story which was mentioned in the Arabic literature: Three fishes once lived in a pool; an intelligent fish, a half- intelligent fish and a stupid fish. One day, two fishermen passed by the lake, and they decided to come the next day and to bring their nets in order to catch the fishes in that lake. The three fishes heard what the fishermen said.

This is just an allegory, so the intelligent fish got sacred and was frightened, and it decided at once to leave and to make its trip to the river. It got away early and saved itself from those fishermen. Whereas the half-intelligent fish remained in its place until the fishermen returned, then it tried to get away and to make its trip to the river like what the intelligent fish did, but the way was blocked by those fishermen. It said to itself, "I was careless, and this is the consequence of negligence, but the wise never loses hope. It pretended to be already dead, so the fisherman caught it, and put it down on the ground between the river and the stream. Then, it jumped to the river and saved itself. Unlike them, the stupid fish kept swimming backwards and forwards until the fishermen caught it.

Of course, this is an allegory, but can anyone of you, dear brothers, say that he will not die? Of course not. So, the bitter truth is that we will all die one day. One may have a big house with luxurious furniture, a beloved wife, dutiful righteous children, a good salary, and a modern car. Also, he may go on picnics, hold many banquets, pay visits, and live a peaceful life, but death comes eventually and everything ends. 

Actually, life could be likened to an upward line graph; first, one completes preparatory and secondary education, then he goes to the university, then he graduates with Bachelor's degree, then he finds a well-paying job, then he buys a house, then he gets married and has children, and so on. So, that line keeps raising until death comes unexpectedly, and everything ends, and the line drops to zero. 

After death, man loses everything; his wife, his children, and his social position. Also, there is no more meetings, trips, visits, banquets, or anything else since everything ends. Thus, when death comes, one's upward graph line drops to zero. Verily, this is quite clear, and no two persons in the world would argue  about this indisputable fact. 

The wise one is he who prepares for death with righteous deeds:

Let us ask ourselves this question: Who is the true hero, and the truly intelligent, wise and successful person? He is the one who prepares for this inevitable hour (the hour of death). In my opinion, no one else on the earth is smarter, wiser, and more successful than the one who prepares for this moment.

When I was in Damascus, I attended the funeral of the father of one of my friends. He was wealthy beyond imagination, and he lived a life of unimaginable luxury. So, they placed his body in the tomb, and place a layer of stones on top of his body (to prevent direct contact between the body and the soil that would fill the grave). However, there was about 5 cm gap around the edge of that layer, so when they filled the grave with soil, a large amount of dirt covered his dead body directly! He lost everything in one second; his magnificent house, great family, fancy car, and all interesting trips, excursions, and get-togethers. Everything, without any exaggeration, is over in only one second.

I repeat what I have said earlier;  life could be likened to an upward line graph that keeps rising; first, one completes his preparatory and secondary education, and then he graduates from university with a Bachelor's degree, such as a Bachelor of Science, then he completes a General Diploma, a Special Diploma, a Master's degree, or a PhD degree, and he places the title of "Dr." before his name which indicates that he has been studying for 23 years! Then, he gets a high-paying job, buys an elegant house, and achieves high esteem and social status. Then, death comes suddenly and ends all his achievements in one second. Eventually, he will be called, "The late so and so…"

I once went to a luxurious house in Amman;  in the wealthiest high-class neighborhoods of Amman (in order to attend a condolence gathering). There was a luxury remarkable furniture, very expensive chandeliers, and Persian carpets, etc., and it was a very big house with many rooms. While I was sitting there, I asked myself: Who  bought these very expensive chandeliers? The late did! Who chose these luxury floor tiles? The late did! Who chose this remarkable furniture? The late did! Where is the late now? He is in his grave!  

Is there any other truth more obvious than this one? Always remember that every living creature is going to die eventually, and none will remain except Allah, the Owner of Glory and Majesty.  I repeat what the poet said:

No matter how long the night is, 
the dawn shall certainly come.
No matter how long man lives, 
he must die and be buried.
Every man, no matter how long he has been safe,  
shall be carried to his grave.
If you carry a deceased man to his tomb  
know that one day you will be  carried.

Bear in mind that although  you enter your home in a vertical position (i.e. walking) all your lifespan, one day (when death comes), you will go out of it in a horizontal position (when your dead body will be carried in a coffin). So, your real achievement, intelligence, and success is to prepare for this inevitable hour. 

Without exaggeration, the grave can be a garden from those of Paradise. When the true believer feels that his death is approaching and the angel of death comes to him, he says, "I have never faced any hardship or experienced any distress in my life", although he might have been imprisoned because of his religious beliefs, or he might have experienced severe poverty, but when seeing his final resting place in Paradise, he would forget all about that and say, "I have never faced any hardship or experienced any distress in my life." On the other hand, when the disbeliever who lived a lavish lifestyle would say (upon seeing his final resting place in the Hell-Fire), "I have not seen any good in my life." Thus, the smartest, the most intelligent, and the most successful person is he who prepares for the moment of death (with good deeds).

The difference between Kasb (earnings) and Rizq (sustenance):

As you know, the owner of Apple Company was one of the richest people in the world; his wealth was estimated at 700 billion dollars. Also, Bill Gates's wealth was estimated at 94 billion dollars. Nevertheless, the owner of Apple said on his deathbed, "This number means nothing to me." 

Actually, this wealth is called Kasb (earnings), which is how much money you have, your wealth, and your movable and immovable property, etc. You will be held accountable for it on the Day of Resurrection. Whereas, Rizq (sustenance) is the money you make use of and benefit from. Concerning Rizr, Abdullah Ibn Ash-Shukhir, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, said:

(( O son of Adam. is there anything as your belonging except that which you consumed, which you utilized, or which you wore and then it was worn out or you gave as charity and sent it forward? ))

[ Muslim, At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i ]

There are three types of Rizq that you benefit from:

(( Except that which you consumed, which you utilized...) ))

[ Muslim, At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i ]

Consider the example of someone who was invited to a lavish feast, then a week later he had an unbearable toothache, if he thought about that lavish feast, would that pain end? Of course not. (likewise, when the disbeliever, who lived the most lavish lifestyle, enters the Hell-Fire, will feel that he never experienced any comfort in his life). 
Again, the wise man is the one who calls himself to account (and refrains from doing evil deeds); who controls his desires, who earns and spends his money in a Halal (legal) way, and who abstains from earning and consuming illegal money.

Let me give you the following example about controlling one's desires: A pretty lady went to a fabric store, so when the seller saw her, he stared at her intentionally and he did not lower his gaze. When the time for Zuhr prayer (the noon prayer) came, he went to the Masjid to offer the prayer, but since he looked intentionally on improperly dressed women, there will be a veil between him and Allah the Almighty, the Owner of Majesty and Honor (i.e. drives you away from Him). 

One should think about death everyday:

Dear noble brothers, pay attention to these extremely important words: If you are looking for your own safety and happiness, since every human being in this word is deeply concerned for his safety and happiness, then you should think about death on a daily basis.

I heard that the Prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, used to lie down between the Sunnah prayer and the obligatory prayer, imagining himself dead.

I know a very righteous person in Damascus who dug a grave inside his big house, and he used to lie in it every Thursday and recite the following Noble Ayah:

﴾ (My Lord! Send me back* "So that I may do good) ﴿

[ Al-Muminun, 99-100]

Then, he would say to himself, "Get up, you have been sent back! [he did that in order to motivate himself to do righteous deeds]."  Thus, think about death every day, i.e. no matter how beautiful your house is, you will eventually leave it behind (when death comes). In other words, every blessing you have will either leave you while you are alive or you will leave it after your death. 

A close friend of mine had a friend who held a high position in Damascus. His friend lost his eyesight- by the way, this is an old story, so he said to him, "I wish Allah would restore my sight even if I were to become a beggar who sits on the sidewalk and asks people for money!" So, he wished that although he was an assistant minister who had a very large income, and who lived in the richest neighborhood of Damascus.

Steadfastness upon the Straight Path is your real achievement:

As long as you have good eyesight, hearing and cognition, you are so blessed. Actually, if a wealthy person who owns a very expensive house becomes mentally ill, the closest people to him will send him to the psychiatric hospital! Life sometimes seems frightening, and it is full of shocking and unexpected events, so your real achievement is to adhere to Allah's Commands and Prohibition so that Allah the Almighty will fulfill His Promise to you. Allah the Almighty says:

﴾ Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah (Alone)," and then they Istaqamu , on them the angels will descend (at the time of their death) (saying): "Fear not, nor grieve"! ﴿

[ Fussilat, 30 ]

Pay attention to the following precise words:

﴾ Fear not… ﴿

[ Fussilat, 30 ]

It means do not fear the future.

﴾ Nor grieve… ﴿ 

[Fussilat, 30 ]

It means do not grieve the past. 

I was once sitting in my car (besides the driver's seat) in Amman when someone came to me and wanted to ask me a question. He put a microphone in front of me and said, "Dear professor, give us brief advice about whatever subject you want." I asked him, "Are you happy with your life?" He said, "Do you address me in particular?" I said, "No, I do not mean you personally. I am talking  in general: If you do not have any problem; if you enjoy good health, and you do not suffer from any serious illness such as a blood clot in the brain, kidney failure, and liver cirrhosis, and you have no problem concerning your children, income, and spending, then pay attention to the following precise words: Do not change what within yourself ( i.e. if you are in a state of righteousness, do not turn from that state and start committing sins), so Allah will never change your good situation (from ease to hardship). You will be comfortable with your family, your children, with your relatives, with your sons and daughters-laws, your position, your work, your income, and your health, etc." So, do not change what within yourself, and Allah will never change your good situation, and this could be considered a rule. Allah the Almighty says:

﴾ Allah will not change the good condition of a people as long as they do not change their state of goodness themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allah). ﴿

[ Al-Ra'd, 11 ]

On the other hand, if you have any problem, whether that problem is big or small; if you have a health problem, a financial problem, a domestic  problem with your children, your sons in-law and daughters in-law, and if you have a problem concerning your living conditions in your country, then change what within yourself (i.e. turn from sins and live in obedience to Allah), and Allah will change your bad situation (i.e. from hardship to ease).

By the way, Islam includes too many topics, and there are too many Islamic scholars and Islamic books. However, all these topics could be summed up in two words: Do not change, so Allah will never change (i.e. if you are in a state of righteousness, never change what within yourself, and Allah will never change you good situation). On the other hand, change, so He will change (i.e. if you have a problem, turn from sins and Allah will change your situation from hardship to ease).

Actually, you can get whatever you want from Allah the Almighty when you fix your relationship with Him. It was mentioned in the relic: 

(( When a sinner turns to Allah with repentance,  a caller calls those in the heavens and earth, "Congratulate him, as he has repaired his relationship with Allah the Almighty." ))

A poet said:
If your eyes had seen our beauty which others
saw, you would not have left us.

If your ears had heard our eloquent speech,
you would have stopped being astonished and run for us.

If you had tasted our love,
you would have excused those who died for it.

If our breeze had passed you by, you would have
blamed the stranger and yearning to be with us.

Those who claim that our love can be gained easily,
We tell them that they are ignorant.

It is easy to forget about love by refusing it,
but it is very hard to abandon us.
 Dear noble brothers, consider these conclusive and all-inclusive words: "The believer only fears his sin, and he puts his hope in Allah Alone." Sometimes one wants to know every detail and the full explanation of something as well as all evidences, proofs, and practical applications of it, but at other times, he prefers brief words. One of the most precise brief words are these ones: "The believer only fears his sin, and he puts his hope in Allah Alone." He does not fear tyrants, dictators, trials, and oppression, etc. Indeed, those are really all-conclusive words. 

O Allah! Increase us [in Your Blessings and Rewards] and do not decrease us, honor us and do not humiliate us, give us [from Your Gifts] and do not deprive us, be in favor of us and not against us, and make us satisfied and be satisfied with us, O Lord of the Worlds.

O Allah, make this gathering blessed, and our dispersion after it one that is infallible. O Allah, do not let anyone amongst us deprived, desperate or unhappy. O Allah, send Your Peace and Blessings on our Master Muhammad, the illiterate Prophet, his folks and his companions.

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